Selasa, 06 September 2016

The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

A.      System
What is a gaming console?
Gaming console is a device that specially designed for gaming (play games). It is usually at size of a shoe box or even smaller. Most of them are CD/DVD/Blu-ray optical drive in order to play games but the one uses cartridge as they game storage; Nintendo.
(Nintendo 64 usually called N64)
                This is a console that made by Nintendo in 1996, this one uses cartridge. This is the first ever console from Nintendo that capable to play 3D animated games. Also here the first 3D Zelda game; The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time released in 1998.
SNES controller (left) and Nintendo 64 controller (right)
                 The controller has a very different layout over the SNES controller. The N64 controller has an analog stick, Z button and C stick.

B.      Graphic
Ocarina of Time has a really great graphic at the time, it is the best game on the platform in graphic. This happened because the fact that this game designed for the next gen platform N64DD which will be using VCD as the game storage. This make the Ocarina of Time has a huge amount of data to port to the cartridge, it contain 32 MB data which is very large at the time. Because of the amount of data that very far from the other games on the platform, Nintendo decided to make a different cartridge for Ocarina of Time, making the game as the biggest on the platform in size and popularity.
Ocarina of Time’s Cartridge
                The huge size of this game is not just size, the game has size that much because of the stunningly awesome graphic that served by Nintendo in Ocarina of Time. It has a massive map to explore, lots of dungeons, and highly detailed objects, we can even see different expressions on some characters faces.
We can see different expression on characters faces
C.      Story
The events of Ocarina of Time are set in the fictional kingdom of Hyrule, the setting of most The Legend of Zelda games. Hyrule Field serves as the central hub connected to several outlying areas with diverse topography. Most of these areas are populated by the races of Hyrule: Hylians, Kokiri, Gorons, Zoras, Gerudo, and Sheikah.
The fairy Navi awakens Link from a nightmare in which he witnesses a man in black armor pursuing a young girl on horseback. Navi brings Link to the Great Deku Tree, who is cursed and near death. The Deku Tree tells Link a "wicked man of the desert" cursed him and seeks to conquer the world, and that Link must stop him. Before dying, the Great Deku Tree gives Link the Spiritual Stone of the Forest and sends him to Hyrule Castle to speak with Hyrule's princess.
At the Hyrule Castle garden, Link meets Princess Zelda, who believes Ganondorf, king of the Gerudo, is seeking the Triforce, a holy relic that gives its holder godlike power. Zelda asks Link to obtain the three Spiritual Stones so he can enter the Sacred Realm and claim the Triforce before Ganondorf reaches it. Link collects the other two stones: the first from Darunia, leader of the Gorons, and the second from Ruto, princess of the Zoras. Link returns to Hyrule Castle, where he sees Ganondorf chase Zelda and her caretaker Impa on horseback, and unsuccessfully attempts to stop him.[34] Inside the Temple of Time, he uses the Ocarina of Time, a gift from Zelda, and the Spiritual Stones to open the door to the Sacred Realm. There he finds the Master Sword, but as he pulls it from its pedestal, Ganondorf appears and claims the Triforce.
Seven years later, an older Link awakens in an area of the Sacred Realm known as the Chamber of Sages and is met by Rauru, one of the seven sages who protect the entrance to the Sacred Realm. Rauru explains that Link's spirit was sealed for seven years until he was old enough to wield the Master Sword and defeat Ganondorf, who has now taken over Hyrule.[35] The seven sages can imprison Ganondorf in the Sacred Realm, but five are unaware of their identities as sages. Link is returned to the Temple of Time; there he meets the mysterious Sheik, who guides him to free five temples from Ganondorf's control, allowing each temple's sage to awaken.[36] Link befriended all five sages as a child: Saria, the Sage of the Forest Temple; Darunia, the Sage of the Fire Temple; Ruto, the Sage of the Water Temple; Impa, the Sage of the Shadow Temple; and Nabooru, the Sage of the Spirit Temple. After the five sages awaken, Sheik reveals herself to be Zelda in disguise, and the seventh sage. She tells Link that Ganondorf's heart was unbalanced, causing the Triforce to split into three pieces. Ganondorf acquired only the Triforce of Power, while Zelda received the Triforce of Wisdom and Link the Triforce of Courage.
Ganondorf kidnaps Zelda and imprisons her in his castle. The other six sages help Link infiltrate the stronghold, where he frees Zelda after nearly defeating Ganondorf, who destroys the castle in an attempt to kill Link and Zelda. After they escape the collapsing castle, Ganondorf emerges from the rubble and, using the Triforce of Power, transforms into a boar-like monster named Ganon and knocks the Master Sword from Link's hand. With Zelda's aid, Link retrieves the Master Sword and defeats Ganon. The seven sages seal Ganondorf in the Dark Realm; still holding the Triforce of Power, he vows to take revenge on their descendants. Zelda uses the Ocarina of Time to send Link back to his childhood. Navi departs and young Link meets Zelda in the castle garden once more.

D.      Gameplay

        I.            A boy without fairy
Link meets The Great Deku tree

Open up with an intro telling you about The Great Deku tree, kokiri forest, and a kokiri without fairy. Then we showed up with a cut cense where Princess Zelda and her takekeeper Impa run out from the castle, b riding horse. Then Ganondorf (wich is the villain in this game) run after them.
After the cut cense we will watch The Great Deku tree talks to Navy (the fairy), he tells Navy about the bad that would happen in soon. Then he order Navy to look for the boy without fairy (Link), to come and meet The Great Deku tree.
Then Navy flies to kokiri village and search for Link’s house. Navy wake him up and tell him about The Deku tree’s message.After it the player stars to play the game. First, they have to find the kokiri sword and buy a shield to pass the guardian that prevents them in front of the gate that has the way heading to The Great Deku tree. After passed Mido (the guardian), player will meet The Great Deku tree, then He would speak to the player a short history of the Triforce and bad thing which would happen soon.

      II.            Inside The Great Deku tree
Player fights against enemy
In this level player will have a special training to be able to play the game, a tutorial to be exact. And that’s it the adventure begins, we’ll pass some check points, enemies, puzzles, items, and so on, this game is an action-adventure game so don’t surprise if you lost. In this game player pushed to explore every single part of the map in order to find items, solving puzzle, fight against enemies.

    III.            Queen Gohma
The look of Queen Gohma
                In this level player will fights against Queen Gohma. To be able to destroy this monster player have to shoot on its eye by using the slingshot, the slingshot it self you can get it in the previous level. After shoot its eye this monster will fall down and lay then player can attack it using the kokiri sword. But if player doesn’t kill her immediately, it will spawn some Gohma larvas that you have met in the level before, and they are very annoying enemies. After kill the Queen, player will find a heart container left after it, then a blue portal will appear, when player gets into it, player will be transported back outside of The Great Deku tree. After it Deku tree tells Link about the very short history of the Triforce, and then Link will be gave “Kokiri Emerald” by Deku tree. Not long after it Deku tree die.

    IV.            Hyrule Castle
Another adventure stars, Link have to go to Hyrule castle. Player should come out from the village. But, before reach the Hyrule field Link will met his friend Saria, who give him an ocarina (a flute) that will be used for playing songs that used in this game. Yes, we have to play song in this game, that’s why this game titled ocarina of time. We can change the time in this game (day to night or reverse) by playing special songs using the ocarina.
After reach the Hyrule filed player would see a stunningly beautiful land that well animated. Not only the play system that becomes standard for games in the genre but also the great graphic making it no denying that this is a great game. So no surprise if this game called as one of “the world’s best game ever made”.
In this Hyrule field player have really large place to explore, there is some trees and thing that make it awesome is the time set. Yes there is day and night change in this game and it happens while the player play the game, unlike another game that usually only change the time after they come out from a building, for example you get in to a house in the night, then when you get out of it, the time would have been change to day. And also in transition between day and night there is a sign. You would hear a chock crow as the sign of day comes and a wolf howl as the sign of night comes. Player have to reach the Hyrule castle before the night come, there is two things why it shuld be like that, first is because the castle’s gate would have been closed in the night and second is because there would appear enemies in the night which is the skulls.
The skull (left) and the crowd of hylian (right)
Inside of the castle player would pass hyrule market before get in to the palace, tha filled by the crowd of hylian. Get in to the palace is such a hard to do, because of the guardians (soliders) but fortunately we can crawl a root on the side of castle’s hill. That way we can get in to the first gate, then we have to pass the guardians while they are seeing on the opposite side so we can crawl on another hill. After it we have to get in trough the castle’s side (yeah there is so many gates in this castle) and swim under the gate so in that way another guardians don’t see us and get us out of the castle. After waking up Lonlon we have to do a little puzzling to be able to jump and get in to the castle trough a little hole across the canal. Then we have to pass some more guardians just like in front of the castle, we pass them while they are seeing in another way. After passing those annoying guardians we can get in to the castle’s little park where we can meet with princess Zelda.

      V.            Princess Zelda
In this level player will meet Zelda, the Princess of Hyrule. Then Zelda will tell player about another short history about the Triforce, and her dream about the bad thing that would happen soon. In this level player would also have another look at Ganondorf, the leader of Gerudo, the main villain in this game. After saw Ganondorf, player would get a letter from Princes Zelda that will be used in the game as an official permission from Royal Family to pass the guardians on the next level.
Actually to keep the Triforce from Ganondorf we have to seal the Triforce in the Temple of Time, and defeat Ganondorf using the special sword from the temple. But to open the gate of the temple we have to open it up using tree different spiritual stones.
Also here player will be use the Ocarina for the very first time. We will learn a song from Impa the takekeeper of Princess Zelda. The song that player will learn is Zelda’s Lullaby which is also another official permission from Royal Family of Hyrule, but instead of use it for the guardians, player will use it for temples, the sages, spiritual gates, and hidden treasures. After learned the song Impa will guide the player to get out from the castle to the Hyrule castle. Ten Impa will tell the player what to do next, which is come to her village and then go to the Death Mountain, home of Gorons, that hold the spiritual stones of fire. This spiritual stones is what Princess Zelda told in her story.

    VI.            Lost Woods
Before we go to the death mountain we have to go to the lost woods. This woods is located in Kokiri forrest, here we have to meet Saria and learn Saria’s song. This song would be very useful for a symbolic relation to Gorons. But the fun fact is player wouldn’t have any instruction to learn the Sarias song before going to the death mountain. This game really push player to explore every single part of the map. Not only exploration but also player shouldn’t have to miss every single word from conversations with the other characters, because every conversation would have its own benefit in some levels.

E.       Music
When it comes t omusic this game is pretty interesting, mainly because in this game we have to play specific song in order to pass a quest. The is some songs that used in this game such as Zelda’s Lullaby, Sarias song, Sun song, and so on.

I’m so sorry because I couldn’t finish this article for the gameplay part. But I promise you to finish it as soon as I can. Not for my own score but simply because I really love this game, this is the game that makes me become a gamer, a virtual adventure that I do love. I think that’s it for the article see you on my bolg . 

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